Algorithm Design Main Page

This page is for the general information of the 2110-327 Algorithm Design

List of Algorithms

Here is the list of algorithm covered in the class, along with its implementation, exercise, etc. The exercise is the problem code for the grader

Category | Algo/prob.| C++ | ruby | exercise ---------|------|-----|------|------------ Divide & Conquer | Merge Sort | | | Divide & Conquer | Quick Sort | | | Divide & Conquer | Maximum Contiguous Sum
of Subsequece | | | Divide & Conquer | Closest Pair | | | Divide & Conquer | Strassen's Algorithm | | | Dynamic Programming | Fibonacci Number | | | Dynamic Programming | Binomial Coefficient | | | Dynamic Programming | Maximum Contiguous Sum
of Subsequece | | | Dynamic Programming | Longest Common Subsequence | | | Dynamic Programming | Matrix Chain Multiplication | | | Dynamic Programming | 01-Knapsack | | | Greedy | Prim's (MST) | | | Greedy | Kruskal's (MST) | | | Greedy | Interval Scheduling | | | Graph | Depth First Search | | | Graph | Connected Component | | | Graph | Linearization | | | Graph | Breadth First Search | | | Graph | Dijkstra's (shortest path) | | | Graph | Bellman & Ford's (shortest path) | | | Graph | Floyd & Warshall's (shortest path) | | | Search | Combination | | | Search | Permutation | | | Search | N-Queen | | | Search | 15-Puzzle | | | Search | Branch & Bound (Knapsack) | | |



We adopt automated exercise grading system called "cafe-grader" created by aj. Jittat and aj. Pong from Kasetsart University. The student are encourage to use this system which can be accessed here

The username and password will be the same as the Chulalongkorn email.

There are introduction instruction and Screen Cast for the grader.

Lecture Note, Lab's document, problems,

  • Aj. Somchai's video class are one of the best, check it here. It contains tons of e-learning material and the slide. The experimental analysis of algorithm is at
  • In 2009, we set up some self-learning activities called "Labs". It can be accessed here
  • In 2010, there are several homework available in grader system. Check it here


Most student are familiar with Java from their freshy year and hopefully all students should be OK with C, C++ Since 2110-211 (Data Structure) use them extensively. Nevertheless, here are list of C++ resources.