

Posted on: Mon, 12/08/2008 - 22:18 By: dae

Recently, I have got several spams at approx. 1,000 per day. I am clueless how do they appear on my site. I've used reCAPTCHA, I've used mollom, I've used blockanonymouslink, but the spam still coming through.

pptx attachment on drupal

Posted on: Tue, 11/18/2008 - 14:07 By: dae

I posted my slides on my web as a pptx file a few weeks ago. Suddenly after that, students gave some comment that when they downloaded the file, the file came as .zip. Even though the file on the server is not zipped and is name exactly as .pptx. Of course, I have tested my upload, but only on Firefox, which definitely has no problem. From the student comment, I tried it on IE and managed to duplicate the error. My first thought is that it must be something about the MIME type. The problem is I don't know the correct mime type of the pptx file.


Posted on: Mon, 11/17/2008 - 13:51 By: dae

Anybody could notice that there are at least two urls that direct to this page. Originally, I registered for http://www.nattee.net/ and http://our.obor.us/. Both works well thanks to Drupal site configuration method. Drupal use name based resolution. All I have to do is to edit the setting.php to point to the same database for both of the name. Users can access my site using any of these urls and drupal simply direct it to the same place (because all information is stored in the database).

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