
pptx attachment on drupal

Posted on: Tue, 11/18/2008 - 14:07 By: dae

I posted my slides on my web as a pptx file a few weeks ago. Suddenly after that, students gave some comment that when they downloaded the file, the file came as .zip. Even though the file on the server is not zipped and is name exactly as .pptx. Of course, I have tested my upload, but only on Firefox, which definitely has no problem. From the student comment, I tried it on IE and managed to duplicate the error. My first thought is that it must be something about the MIME type. The problem is I don't know the correct mime type of the pptx file.

Finally I might be able to buy a cheaper phone

Posted on: Tue, 09/23/2008 - 15:38 By: dae

One of my key requirements for a phone is that it must be able to set an alarm based on specific day of week. For example, I should be able to set up an alarm such that it reminds me at 15:50 on every workday (Mon. -- Fri.). The reason behind this is that in the period of last several years, I spent most of my time at Chulalongkorn University which forbid me to park a car inside the campus. This is understandable because the space is very limited. The alternative choice would be that I have to park at roadside.

First ICE class

Posted on: Sat, 09/20/2008 - 00:09 By: dae

Today is my first chance to lecture for an ICE students (the international course). It turned out to be a very good one!!! Much better than I expected, the students were very involved with the class. They responded to most of my questions. They were willing to come in front of the class and did some assignment I placed upon them. To the very most of my surprise, they even ask that I should keep teaching well beyond the end of the class.

My First Lecturer Day

Posted on: Tue, 09/16/2008 - 18:12 By: dae

Today I have just signed a contract with Dept. of Computer Engineering. Now, I am officially a full time lecturer at Chulalongkorn University. My former adviser came and said to me that he once heard a following quote.

You are considered being successful in your academic career when your grand student got her Ph.D.

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