
Posted on: Mon, 12/08/2008 - 22:18 By: dae

Recently, I have got several spams at approx. 1,000 per day. I am clueless how do they appear on my site. I've used reCAPTCHA, I've used mollom, I've used blockanonymouslink, but the spam still coming through.

The strangest thing is that when I ask my friend to try to post spam on my site, the spam countermeasure works just fine but the real spam keep appearing. I felt a little bit hopeless so I contact my dear friend sugree and ask for help. He came up with the solution really fast. From the log, the spam is coming from the staging site that I forgot to turn it of. It is the staging when I convert my drupal 5 to drupal 6. I also think that it is the reason why my post keeps getting "unformat" for the last few days as well.

Anyway, I have destroy that staging site and hope that that would solve the problem.