2110435 Introduction to Robotics 2008, second semester.

Hi, class. Any question please go to the forum

News (recent first)

  • (18-Feb-09) The due date for the last two assignments is 9 March 16:00.

  • (18-Feb-09) The room for final exam is moved to Seminar room, Fl. 17.

  • (30-Jan-09) The msim for the programming assignment can be downloaded here.

  • (30-Jan-09) We have the date for the Final, it will be on 18 Feb 2009, from 9:00 to 12:00 at the same room as the midterm (Big Room, Floor 19).

  • (20-Jan-09) The midterm exam will take place at floor 19, the big room, from 9:00 to 12:00

  • (29-Dec-08) Sorry, I forgot to mention that it will be on 14:00

  • (26-Dec-08) there will be a make up on Monday, 29 Dec 2008 at Floor 19, Eng 4 bldg, the big room

  • (19-Dec-08) Slide updated. Reading material included.

  • (25-Nov-08) Assignment #3 (งานนิทรรศ). The time table is available here. I am very sorry that I cannot make it before 20.00 yesterday. There are three person whose conditions cannot be met, namely, นายภูริ, นายวรายุ, นายทัศน์จิต. Please check your assigned time table. In case of any change, please contact me as soon as possible. The discussion of this assignment should be done here. Remember the following rules. 1) You have to be at Room 319 Before 8.30. 2) Please submit your name to the Graduate staff in the room. 3) Graduate staff has my mandate, please listen to them.

  • (13-Nov-08) List of registered team can be found here

  • (12-Nov-08) Assignment #2, Lego construction assignment. The detail is in the forum.

  • (5-Nov-08) Assignment #1, please team up, 3-4 persons each (we should have not more than 13 teams) and post your team on the forum. The data should include name,surname, ID and nickname.

  • (5-Nov-08) please download the course syllabus here

Presentation Slides

  1. Small talk (no slides)
  2. Introduction (available soon)
  3. Robot Control (available soon) slide | reading
  4. Motion Planning (pursuit evasion) slide | reading
  5. Motion Planning (motion planning) slide | reading
  6. Kinematics (forward kinematics) slide | reading
  7. Kinematics (D-H parameters) (use the slide from 5.) | reading
  8. Sensor and Mapping slide | reading
  9. Grasping slide | reading
  10. Q-Learning slide | reading
  11. Vision slide

Lecture 1 notes

You can access IEEE Spectrum here (only works when you access it within Chula Net). The singularity report are taken from June 2008 issues.

Lecture 2 notes

The simulation I shown on the class is called BSim. I would be glad if you download and play with it.

The reading material is here (the file is password protected)

Lecture 3 & 4 notes

The reading material about the pursuit evasion is available here while the material for robotic motion planning is here (both files are password protected)

Lecture 5 & 6 notes

Reading for forward kinematics and D-H parameter is available